Every burdened Pastor crave more than likes, comments, followers. I want to uncover a mechanism we use for Churches, where by we convert online engagement into an active congregation. Making every click count in real-time worship and livestream participation.
After years of working with Churches, we uncovered some common challenges:
"With a remarkable 50 million+ reach across our content and a monthly engagement of over 1.6 million Christians from 190+ nations worldwide, we offer an unparalleled opportunity for churches to thrive. Secure a worry-free and effective online presence for your church, connecting seamlessly with our vast and active audience. It's more than an opportunity; it's a global expansion strategy tailored for your church's growth and impact in the digital realm."
PEW RESEARCH CENTER reports a decline in church attendance with each generation. Only 36% of Gen Z attends church at least once a month. This means an increase in demand of your content on various platforms, vital for Christians and unsaved souls, providing a source of life and refreshment. It’s easy to generate some short-term traction on social. We see it all the time. Churches commit for a little while, but aren’t able to maintain it. That’s why we exists. Let us take care of it. You never have to lift a finger.